2022 Roundup
The Grosvenor Rowing Club Junior Squad has had a very successful season in 2021/22, continuing to win at regional events in the North West and Midlands.
28 rowers in our Junior Squad have won a winners medal at an event in the North-West and Midlands Regattas and Head Races in 202/22 to date and a number of our rowers won several medals during the year.
We have also had two of our WJ16 rowers, Lucy Naylor and Daisy Crawford selected to represent the North West for the Inter-Regional Regatta at Holme Pierrpont, Nottingham in May.
Joining Grosvenor Rowing Club
Currently the Grosvenor Rowing Club Junior Squad is full but we will be open for new Members from Years 8 and 9 from the 11th September 2022. Please email contact@grosvenor-rowingclub.co.uk and leave your details and you can come for a rowing trial. We will contact you in advance and agree a date for your trial session. We have an equal number of boys and girls in all age groups.
We train on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4pm-6pm and on Sundays at 1pm-4pm every month of the year.
In the school holidays in the dark winter months we train earlier on weekdays so we can get out on the water as often as possible.
Rowing is fun - so come and join us.
Recent Successes:
Chester Regatta 11/06/2022
Winners: J14 2x Alf Crawford and Ollie Mallon J13 2x Harry Barker and Tymon Wozniak
Runcorn Juniors Regatta 10/07/2022 Winners: J13 2x Harry Barker and Tymon Wozniak
2021 Roundup
The Grosvenor Rowing Club Junior Squad had a very successful season in 2021, despite a late start in April 2021 after a Covid lockdown.
19 rowers in our Junior Squad won a medal at an event in the North-West and Midlands Regattas and Head Races in 2021 and a number of our rowers won several medals during the year.
This was a very successful year and we hope to improve our medal tally in 2022, including winning some medals at National events including the National Juniors Championships in Nottingham in July 2022.
Joining Grosvenor Rowing Club
Currently the Grosvenor Rowing Club Junior Squad is full and so not open to new members but if any Junior from age 12-17 is interested, we will be open for new Members from the Easter holidays in 2022. Please email contact@grosvenor-rowingclub.co.uk and leave your details and you can join our waiting list. We have an equal number of boys and girls in all age groups.
We train on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4pm-6pm and on Sundays at 1pm-4pm every month of the year.
In the school holidays in the dark winter months we train earlier on weekdays so we can get out on the water as often as possible.
Rowing is fun - so come and join us.
Recent Successes:
Deva Junior Regatta 03/07/21. Matthew & Henry (J18 2X), Freddie & Joe (J14 2X)
Warrington Regatta 24/07/21. Oliver Harris & Matthew Walker (J15 2X), Lucy Naylor & Daisy Crawford (WJ15 2X), Lucy Naylor, Daisy Crawford, Sofia Hardy, Isla Russell & (cox) Toby Abbott (WJ15 4X+), Freddie Allwood & Joe Datnow (J14 2X), Joe Datnow (J14 1X)